Saturday, September 3, 2022


How is everyone doing today? My name is Connor. I graduated high school in 2018, I started college in Fall 2019, but I ended up dropping out due to personal reasons. I am now back to improve my education and earn my degree. I am majoring in Cyber Security with a focus of Network Security. I am pursuing this degree because, I am passionate about computers, and I have always wanted to work on them professionally.

A little bit about myself, I work at Amazon in the largest Return Center in North America. I am a Process Assistant; this is an equivalent to a team lead in other companies. (Entry-Level leadership/management position). I am hoping to move up in Amazon into Cyber Security Roles, upon graduating. I was born in Houston, Texas, but was raised and lived all of my life in Las Vegas, Nevada.

My hobbies. I am a musician. I play clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone, soprano saxophone, and a little bit of piano. I play video games, listen to music from across all genres including Thai Music, Jazz, Rock, Country, Korean Music, Japanese Music just to name a few genres.


  1. I'm honored that you chose to re-take IS101 with me :-)

    Congratulations on joining Amazon in a entry-level leadership/management position!

    I see you hobbies are the same from Fall 2019. You will succeed in IS101-3012, Fall 2022 ^_^

    1. Thank you so much for the kind comment. Also why would I not choose you when I learned so much from you the first time around. I would have been set up for failure if I had another Professor because you take time and learn about each of your students, how each of them learn, and you tailor your individual ways of teaching to each and everyone one of your students. I wish you taught more CIT courses with you I would be set up for success!! This semesters class is so lucky to have you yet for their professor!

  2. Wow Connor!! You are very talented with all the instruments you can play - very impressive!
    Glad to see you decided to continue your education in cyber security, and to already have your place in a company like Amazon, I'm sure the transition into the position you want will be smooth.

    1. Thank you so much for the kind comments! Also thank you for the reassuring comments about how it will be a smooth transition.

  3. Connor, you are truly talented. Are you a self-taught musician or did you take lessons? It's nice to read that you decided to come back to school. I hope that you have a great semester.

  4. I admire how you are thinking ahead. It's such a great idea to move up within a company that you are already employed at. You’re going to do great things. I played the Alto Saxophone in middle school. Very cool instrument. Music is life!

  5. Connor you are driven. I too played the trumpet back in the 70's in Jr. High, I since gave that up and played the drums most of my life, self taught. I also had the pleasure of managing groups in the 80's recorded in some studios in Los Angeles and every now and then will sit down and put some lyrics or music together. Look forward to working with you in class.

  6. Speaking of music, that's really one of my biggest childhood regrets. Chinese parents always put academic performance above everything else. So when I was young, I didn't have any other learning about art and sports except studying. I envy others to be able to play their own instruments: piano, violin, electronic organ, and so on. I hope we can help each other and progress together in our future studies and life.

  7. Hi Connor, I am glad to see you made the right choice to come back to college. Welcome back

  8. I'm very impressive with all the instruments you can play. I'm sure after graduating you will get that position.

  9. Pleasure to meet you Conner I also played Clarinet back in high school. Good job on returning back to this class. Good luck with cyber security sir.

  10. Hi! Wow, Houston? Was it a big change of pace moving to Vegas? I am from California and moved here the early winter of January 2015. Do you ever get homesick sometimes? Best of luck to you in your courses.

    1. I was born in Houston but I was raised in Vegas. I pretty much lived my whole life in Vegas.

  11. We share similar interests! I listen to Korean music too and I played the clarinet during elementary school. I like how you are working to advance your position at your current workplace, especially in a role that you are passionate about.

  12. Would you be willing to share with us how circular breathing works?

  13. The amount of instruments you've managed to gain a grasp of says a lot about your patience and discipline! I also work at a Amazon here in Las Vegas and have hopes of moving up in the HR department, wishing us both the best!

  14. You are genuinely adaptable. Playing so many different instruments (I'd assume they are different instruments, right?) implies that you take music very frankly. In middle school, I participated in orchestra, but I was never able to get above it. I'm happy that someone like you appreciates music so much!

  15. I'm impressed by your ambitions Connor. You are very talented. Every now and then things happen in life where we have to take time off. I'm glad you made it back safe and continuing to accomplish your goals.

  16. It is impressive to play so many instruments. I also played clarinet in high school.

  17. Its great to see you back in the class room. Keep it up.

  18. Oh wow, is there an instrument that you don't play. I wanted to learn to play the guitar and piano, but life and my attention span had other plans. Its good to see you back in school and I wish you good luck in getting your degree.

  19. Nice I played the base as well in high school.
