Saturday, September 10, 2022

Fall Semester Week 2

First off, I hope everyone's week went well so far, if not I hope y'all feel better and today will be a new day. If needed take a step back and breath and get your composure back. Today will be about the workload for my semester.

The courses I am taking this semester are CIT-112B Network+, Anth-106 Introduction to Anthropological Linguistics, Eng-101, and of course IS-101. So far, I have noticed CIT-112B and IS-101 will be a struggle to find a cadence balance these 2 classes based on the amount of studying and course material for these classes. I have already had 4 Chapter Exams, (Closed Book, 30 Questions each), and a 2.5 Hour Lab for my CIT-112B class with in the first 5 days. I already woke up Sunday morning with my textbook on my head😅. After taking 4 years off before coming back to school I have lost my time management for classes, but I will find my cadence again soon. With IS101 you can already see in the Canvas we have a hill to climb as well. With my Eng-101 Class and Anth-106 Class the amount of class work does not even add up to half of IS-101 and CIT-112B course work and studying.

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  1. Waking up with textbook on your head? Good thing IS101 doesn't use a textbook but a digital subscription ;-p

    Yes, computer-based course such as CIT112B and IS101 require not only learning new concepts but much hands-on practices.

    You will regain your time and energy management! You got this Conner ^_^

  2. In speaking with you and listening to your knowledge,I know you will be fine.You have a great attitude and work ethic. Keep it up.

  3. First off congratulations on your return to school, it took me 18yrs to return. Hang in there it will only get easier. Taking the first time consuming classes in the beginning means the ending will be a breezes. You got this

  4. Welcome back to school. My last year of college before returning was in the early 1990's. I returned for Fall 2020. It was a disaster for me. I immediately wanted to drop out. I am by nature a researcher so I researched help for getting organized and found this website from Purdue Global University, It helped me get organized and on track with my classes. I hope this helps.

  5. Closed book exams are hard. I’m glad you decided to return to school, you will do great.

  6. Oh boy! Waking up with a textbook on your head?!? That's dedication right there. You got this!

  7. I've never woken up with a textbook on my head but I have fell asleep at my desk working on coursework.

  8. That workload is no joke. Time management and organization is essential. You can do this, Connor.

  9. I admire your perseverance. You will find a balance to coordinate your homework time for each class. Especially if you're taking four classes this semester, you'll have to cut back on your sleep time if you have to work as well!

  10. Woah, the classes you listed sound so advanced. Haha, and I am complaining about going to simple classes 4 times a week. It is amazing how you are able to multi-task and be flexible with work and school. Good luck, because it sure is not easy!

  11. I have also been experiencing the same time management issue! I've never been one to specialize in numbers, but taking Accounting has forced me to focus on the course more than my other classes. IS101 definitely takes the #2 spot next to Accounting but it's more fun.

  12. Cadence. What a lovely word, yes let us all find our cadence. I hope we all can prevent ourselves from running into the walls of our pressures and fears. Sorry R-2.

  13. Those courses do sound a little challenging. Since we only attend college on specific days, I've also observed that all the work these classes assign us is truly a big responsibility.

  14. You definitely have a huge workload, but I'm sure it will pay off in the long run!

  15. Welcome back to school! Waking up with textbook on your head? it is exactly how I wake up every day. But today, I woke up to a text message from Professor Mr. Wu at 5:48am to do a short WebEx meeting and help me fix some homework. I'm definitely lucky to say before finishing my degree that I have the most committed professor I have ever met.

  16. Those courses sound like a lot of work. If you're waking up with a textbook on your face you sure have a lot of dedication to studying.

  17. Congratulations for getting back in school. I know that can be one of the most difficult things to do. Not only does one need the initiative, but one may also have to completely move their whole schedule around.

  18. 4 classes in 1 semester I'm proud of you, I know how challenging it is. Remember you got this!

  19. I too am taking CIT 112B and IS 101 and I completely agree about these classes consuming a lot of "free time". I can't wait to get it done though so that I don't have to do it again, and I can take what I learned from these classes and use it to carry me further in successfully completing my degree and doing well in life.
