Sunday, October 2, 2022

2.8.8 IT Career Facts

I know that 2.8.8 covers careers in IT such as Network Architect, Database Administrator, Programmer, Support Specialist, and Security Analyst, but there are countless other IT Field careers in the industry. I am going to cover some more IT Careers. 

For instance, there are Penetration Testers. There are two common types of penetration testers.

Red Team Testers are the ones who take an offensive approach on attacking systems. 

When you’re part of a red team, you’re tasked with thinking like a hacker in order to breach an organization’s security. You are typically hired by the company CEO to test their IT Team. Some common tasks completed by Red Teams are Social Engineering, Penetration Testing, Interception Communication, Card Cloning, and Making suggestions for the Blue Team to improve security.

Blue Team Testers are the defense against the Red Teams attacks. They take a defensive approach.

As a blue team member, it’s your job to analyze the current security posture of your organization and take measures to address flaws and vulnerabilities. Playing for the blue team also means monitoring for breaches and responding to them when they do occur. Some of these tasks include Digital Footprint Analysis, DNS Audits, Installing and configuring firewalls and endpoint security software, Monitoring Network Activity, and Using least-privilege Access.

Red Team vs. Blue Team in Cybersecurity | Coursera

Another career in IT is an MLOPs Engineer. They combine machine learning, data science and DevOps to maintain and deploy high-quality machine learning models in production.


  1. Information Technology field definitely have a wide array of roles and titles ^_^

    Red Team vs. Blue Team, what an cool concept in cyber security testing!

    Thank you for the insight :-)

  2. I never knew about penetration testers, but now that I have, I want to learn more. Your explanation was very clear.

  3. The IT industry's including range is wide, and many professionals can choose, such as Java, Web front-end, and the professional direction of some code work. But UI design is also popular in the IT professional course, has a high salary, but the kind of work is not all code, mainly related to design, have interest, you can think about IT. The study of IT technology is excellent, and the prospect is perfect, employment opportunities are more, the salary is eight or nine thousand starting, my friend was learning UI design in institutions before, after mastering UI design, employment is actually very smooth, the salary is more than nine thousand, the situation is good, you can think more.

  4. That's a fun way of thinking about IT - Red Team vs Blue Team. IT employees are in high demand right now. Technology is advancing so fast, it's amazing how far it's come in the last 40 years.

  5. Great information, Blue Vs Red almost sounds like politics?

  6. Your post has been very inciteful. I've never even heard of penetration testers, let alone Red vs. Blue teams.

  7. The convention Black Hats (Hacker Convention) they used to set up a system in a room and if you could break into it your reward was 1 million dollars and a job offer. I haven't heard off anyone to break into the system. It might of been a military contract or something I don't know much about the detail just from what the convention people told me.

  8. How informative especially for me since they are careers that I have never looked into.

  9. I have not heard of these terms before! I think it is a little too advanced for me to understand. Thank you for sharing!

  10. This is very informative as I only thought there were like two careers in IT

  11. Very informative. I didn't think there were so many IT careers.

  12. This discussion has reminded of the old movie "Hackers", where the people were on roller blades and hacking from subway payphones. Technology has come along way when it comes to Penetration Testers. Can't wait to see where the next evolution of Penetration Testers will lead us.

  13. MLOPs engineer is something I've never heard about. There are so many fields in IT that I'm always learning something new. ^_ ^

  14. I'm genuinely interested in IT careers. Not for the sake of diving into IT, but to see the variety of positions. If I were to run a big company someday, I would want to make sure to know a little bit of this and that.

  15. That was a really cool way to get your point across, It's always interesting to hear about these less popular careers.

  16. So many possibilities in technology careers.

  17. The IT Careers sound like what we learned in class as well as like a gaming competition.

  18. I never realized how many career options there are for IT.
