Saturday, October 22, 2022

4.7 Inserting Illustrations and Other Elements

Before I get into 4.7. I had an incident at work, and it made me realize I don't think IT is for me. I will tough out this semester and I changed my Major to Fire Technology Management. I will work on myself, by getting fit and healthy again, then by completing the Basic EMT Class and Clinical and then applying for the Las Vegas Fire Academy, and hope I make it through it. The incident made me realize I should go out of my way and help the community.

Before taking this class, I did not know that in Word when you format the images that it had to be a GIF, PNG, or WMF because it supports transparency. This chapter also expanded my understanding on the proper ways to format using Word Illustrations, and I will utilize different fonts to find different symbols, by first selecting Symbols and then clicking on more Symbols then change the font. I honestly never used symbols before taking this class, I will find ways to implement using symbols more often in everyday situations. 

I honestly might see myself falling back to IT in the future but for now I don't think it's my true calling yet.


  1. It's great to see you taking care of yourself, even after having that incident at work that made you realize IT wasn't for you. A cleansing is especially beneficial at stressful times to help you get back on track.

  2. Yes, not all image file types support transparency. Symbols are extremely helpful :-)

    Sorry to hear you are changing your career trajectory from IT to Fire Fighting but I'm glad to hear you might see yourself falling back into IT in the future. You will finish this semester strong and I wish you thrive in EMT training and get into the LV Fire Academy ^_^

    Glad to see you bounce back from your work incident, Connor!

  3. I think people evolve as they grow. You do what you feel is right for you. Wanting to help the community as a firefighter is admirable because I don't know many people who want to run into fire to help someone.

  4. Firefighting sounds fantastic! I also like that major very much! Please share more professional guidance in the future!

  5. I had a brief training event on firefighting during my first few months in the Navy. One of the required training evaluations during Battlestation's was saving the ship from a fire by sealing off compartments and manning the firehose. It didn't matter how big or small you were everyone had to learn how to use the hose or lock a hatch down.

  6. Oh Connor, I admire you for being open about your change of career choice. Sometime it is difficult for us to know exactly what our calling truly is. My whole life, I never really knew what I wanted to settle on until 2.5 years ago. Our lives change and we have to adapt to what feels right for us. The majority of people change career paths several times in their lifetime.

  7. Connor buddy sad to hear that, here's hoping everything ends up the best for you.

  8. Hope changing your career choice turns out to be better for you.

  9. You taught me something new today too! I never ran into an incompatible image when using word.

  10. Always pursue what you want. A career in fire technology management sounds amazing. Best of luck.

  11. I did not know that the transparency support of an image or illustration was an important thing to think about. I do not have much experience when attaching an image to a Word document.

  12. Although I was unaware that Word could format photos as well, I had already encountered this type of formatting in previous sites.

  13. It's good that you've found another field that you're interested in!

  14. I am sorry you went through an incident, I hope all is well for you. Sometimes, we go through these things in life that take us to our true calling.

  15. Sorry to hear that but at least you found something your interested in. Good luck

  16. Hope all is well after the incident? Unfortunate. On the other hand you found your calling and that calls for a celebration. Congratulations.
