Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Update

To begin with. I will share the song my grandfather's band was playing when Elvis walked in on their set. 

I have a more in-depth update. I am getting back into the groove and will catch up in IS101. I lost track a bit due to struggles but will do better overall. As I mentioned before I have changed my Major for the following semesters to the Associate of Applied Science - Fire Technology Management. It is a very demanding major. I learned more about the requirements, and I will start my Major off with taking EMS - 108B (Basic EMT), there are 3 parts to this class. EMS - 108B Lab Class, EMS - 108B Lecture Class, and EMS - 150B Clinical Ride Along with an Ambulance Agency. I will also be taking COM - 101 which will supplement my communications requirement for the degree. I will take FT - 101 as well which are the Principles of Emergency Services. FT - 101 teaches you the history and culture of the fire service, along with defining the role of national, state, and local support organizations in fire and emergency services. I would also be able to develop positive communication and listening skills in human behavior and relationships.


  1. Good job on presenting Ireland to the class today, Connor :-)

    Is this the Irish Elvis you mentioned during your slideshow presentation today?

    Very glad to hear you are getting back into the groove and will catch up in IS101-3012, Fall 2022!

    Congrats on changing your major and it looks like you did your homework on planning out the beginning courses ^_^

  2. Be sure to really do all required speeches in COM-101! The class is very easy. However, I literally only missed one speech and it brought my grade down from an A to a D. I had good grades on everything else, but the speeches are more crucial. I ended the semester with a C- and I was soooo mad, but I wanna retake it because it was faulty on my part, and I know I can do better.

  3. Wow Connor! Your upcoming EMS-150B sounds like it'll be lots of fun and include hands-on training. I give you lots of credit for wanting to go into fire technology management. Anyone who wants to willingly run into a fire to save someone else gets my respect.

  4. Connor, you're great! I feel the same as tiffany. A firefighter not only needs professional knowledge but also needs courage and courage! I salute you!

  5. Connor, you will do great. I didn’t know about the 3-part class, I’m sure you’ll do fine. Best of luck.

  6. I don't know if this is true, but I heard that in Portland, or was it Seattle, EMT earn very high income compared to the rest of the nation. Best of luck on your journey.

  7. It is interesting that you are changing your major at the same time that I contemplating the same.

  8. Good work presenting Ireland to the class I had never knew the information you presented.

  9. Since I've never heard of these courses, they sound somewhat complex to me, but I wish you the best of luck in catching up because I'm also in your position.

  10. Good luck catching up and on your new classes.

  11. Good luck man I wish you strength fortune and love.

  12. Good luck on the new journey after I got really sick I am also thinking of changing as well but seeing how i am 4 classes away I might just finish and double major in something else. You are not alone my friend good luck.

  13. The Hucklebuck I remember this song from the Chubby Checker album The Twist Party. Great song and your grandfather must have been floored when Elvis walked in.

  14. Sounds like a heavy course load, good luck on your new career journey!
