Saturday, November 5, 2022

5.6 Formulas

Excel was founded for data management and bookkeeping. And its duty was to perform calculations data in cells, by using formulas. the formulas help calculate and keep track of rates. At my job I have to use formulas they created to keep track and update rates of employees by using hourly formulas to keep the data up to date. Microsoft Access is a more powerful and in-depth variation of Excel, which is stronger for managing data.

To divert, I have been studying nonstop for my Network + Class Mid-Term I have been averaging an 87.4% in the class. I bombed my Linguistic Anthropology Midterm, but I will make a comeback in this class and in IS101. I will finish strong and improve my grades, to all of my classes above a B.


  1. Formulas are the heart and soul of Microsoft Excel!

    Microsoft Excel manages spreadsheet workbooks. Microsoft Access manages relational databases. Laymen folks perceive spreadsheet workbooks and relational databases as similar or the same. Relational databases are definitely more suited for managing data :-)

    Glad to hear you will make a comeback in IS101 and finish strong ^_^

  2. Excel is something else. Working on Excel has taught me a great deal. Thanks to Microsoft Excel, I am better equipped to adapt my knowledge to many personal projects I work on as well as being able to adapt my knowledge in an office setting. Excel has endless functions and formulas to work with to make work much simpler.

  3. You got this Connor! Juggling work and all your classes isn't easy, but you can do it!

  4. Excel has many unique features. Formulas can make work tasks less complicated if we can apply formulas. I still struggle with these, but I will keep practicing and hope to become better at it.

  5. Thank you for sharing the progress of other courses! I think you're gonna make it. Time management at home, work, and school must be complex! I know you can do it!

  6. Thanks for sharing your outlook of your other classes. I see another person is struggling with school work aswell.

  7. Thanks for sharing, sending you A+ vibes.

  8. How much these systems can accomplish for us is simply amazing.

  9. You got this Connor. Doing multiple classes is hard but you got this.

  10. I already think a lot of Excel itself. I would love to learn more about Microsoft Access.

  11. I've also made a goal to finish my classes - I'll only accept As and Bs and nothing less! Actually, I do expect to get one C but I'm doing my best to catch up.

  12. If only our memories worked as well as formulas. It is difficult to remember specific formulas for specific results. This can be a very long discussion as there are many ways to talk about Excel. For now, I just want to fly through all the lessons and pass of course.

  13. Excel is a beast. Trying to remember the formulas and how to input them correctly can be a pain but when you master them its amazing.

  14. It's really amazing to see how much work you can save by using these systems.
