Saturday, November 12, 2022

Trying to Catch Up and Remembering our Veterans.

I have been struggling to catch up. I am starting to catch up but still feel very behind in class. I am going to use the next few days off I have to catch up completely in LabSim and hopefully take my MO-200 next class. It has been hard since my work has now started PEAK season, the preparations for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Vacation Time Off and Personal Leave of Absences have been blocked off to prepare for the sheer volume of returns we are expecting in January. Mandatory Extra Time has been nonstop for the last 3 weeks. Reverse Logistics sites and Fulfillment Sites peak seasons are opposite to each other but the blocks start the same time. I have been working 50 hours the last few weeks and it has been making catching up harder due to the increase of work hours.

For the last 3 weeks, I have been listening to songs lately that are about remembering and honoring our military veterans that have fallen, retired, and currently serving. I am doing this because, I made a promise to my father to listen to these songs, and that majority of my whole family are Army, Air Force, Navy and Marine veterans. My great grandfather from Ireland also served in WWII  in the Royal Air Force. Also seeing and hearing about the sacrifices they have made for the United States and in WWII has been my greatest motivator to catch up and pass all of my classes.

Thank you to all that have served this country, and all of you are in my prayers.

POW/MIA - Department of South Dakota VFW

Saturday, November 5, 2022

5.6 Formulas

Excel was founded for data management and bookkeeping. And its duty was to perform calculations data in cells, by using formulas. the formulas help calculate and keep track of rates. At my job I have to use formulas they created to keep track and update rates of employees by using hourly formulas to keep the data up to date. Microsoft Access is a more powerful and in-depth variation of Excel, which is stronger for managing data.

To divert, I have been studying nonstop for my Network + Class Mid-Term I have been averaging an 87.4% in the class. I bombed my Linguistic Anthropology Midterm, but I will make a comeback in this class and in IS101. I will finish strong and improve my grades, to all of my classes above a B.