Saturday, October 29, 2022

The Update

To begin with. I will share the song my grandfather's band was playing when Elvis walked in on their set. 

I have a more in-depth update. I am getting back into the groove and will catch up in IS101. I lost track a bit due to struggles but will do better overall. As I mentioned before I have changed my Major for the following semesters to the Associate of Applied Science - Fire Technology Management. It is a very demanding major. I learned more about the requirements, and I will start my Major off with taking EMS - 108B (Basic EMT), there are 3 parts to this class. EMS - 108B Lab Class, EMS - 108B Lecture Class, and EMS - 150B Clinical Ride Along with an Ambulance Agency. I will also be taking COM - 101 which will supplement my communications requirement for the degree. I will take FT - 101 as well which are the Principles of Emergency Services. FT - 101 teaches you the history and culture of the fire service, along with defining the role of national, state, and local support organizations in fire and emergency services. I would also be able to develop positive communication and listening skills in human behavior and relationships.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

4.7 Inserting Illustrations and Other Elements

Before I get into 4.7. I had an incident at work, and it made me realize I don't think IT is for me. I will tough out this semester and I changed my Major to Fire Technology Management. I will work on myself, by getting fit and healthy again, then by completing the Basic EMT Class and Clinical and then applying for the Las Vegas Fire Academy, and hope I make it through it. The incident made me realize I should go out of my way and help the community.

Before taking this class, I did not know that in Word when you format the images that it had to be a GIF, PNG, or WMF because it supports transparency. This chapter also expanded my understanding on the proper ways to format using Word Illustrations, and I will utilize different fonts to find different symbols, by first selecting Symbols and then clicking on more Symbols then change the font. I honestly never used symbols before taking this class, I will find ways to implement using symbols more often in everyday situations. 

I honestly might see myself falling back to IT in the future but for now I don't think it's my true calling yet.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

2.8.8 IT Career Facts

I know that 2.8.8 covers careers in IT such as Network Architect, Database Administrator, Programmer, Support Specialist, and Security Analyst, but there are countless other IT Field careers in the industry. I am going to cover some more IT Careers. 

For instance, there are Penetration Testers. There are two common types of penetration testers.

Red Team Testers are the ones who take an offensive approach on attacking systems. 

When you’re part of a red team, you’re tasked with thinking like a hacker in order to breach an organization’s security. You are typically hired by the company CEO to test their IT Team. Some common tasks completed by Red Teams are Social Engineering, Penetration Testing, Interception Communication, Card Cloning, and Making suggestions for the Blue Team to improve security.

Blue Team Testers are the defense against the Red Teams attacks. They take a defensive approach.

As a blue team member, it’s your job to analyze the current security posture of your organization and take measures to address flaws and vulnerabilities. Playing for the blue team also means monitoring for breaches and responding to them when they do occur. Some of these tasks include Digital Footprint Analysis, DNS Audits, Installing and configuring firewalls and endpoint security software, Monitoring Network Activity, and Using least-privilege Access.

Red Team vs. Blue Team in Cybersecurity | Coursera

Another career in IT is an MLOPs Engineer. They combine machine learning, data science and DevOps to maintain and deploy high-quality machine learning models in production.